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Mandy Moore prekonala samú seba: FOTO Zvládla niečo, na čo by si netrúfla ani väčšina mužov

Mandy Moore Zobraziť galériu (4)
Mandy Moore (Zdroj: SITA)

NASHUA - Americká herečka a speváčka Mandy Moore vyliezla na Kilimandžáro. Najvyššiu horu Afriky, ktorá je vysoká 5 895 metrov nad morom, zdolala koncom marca spolu so svojím snúbencom Talyorom Goldsmithom a blízkymi priateľmi. S výstupom na Kilimandžáro, ktorý trvá minimálne týždeň, Moore a skupinka jej najbližších začali 23. marca.

O úspešnom zdolaní hory sa 33-ročná rodáčka z mesta Nashua v štáte New Hampshire pochválila na službe Instagram. "O výstupe na Kilimandžáro som snívala odvtedy, čo som mala 18 rokov," napísala k fotografii z Kilimandžára a dodala, že prežila "jeden z najuspokojujúcejších a najnáročnejších zážitkov" v jej živote. Moore na Instagrame zverejnila viacero príspevkov, v ktorých uviedla, že so svojimi priateľmi často išli aj deväť hodín, než sa zastavili v tábore.



On the night of our ascent to the summit, we woke up at 11pm (after a few hours of napping) to enjoy a couple of nervous minutes together with a cup of coffee before it was time to gear up in my our warmest layers and start the nearly 8 hour trek to highest point in Africa- 19,341 ft. In total darkness, we took it pole pole (slow slow) and trudged through rain, sleet and snow, where seemingly everything on our person managed to freeze (water bottles, backpacks, our eyelashes, hair, fingers, toes, etc...) Oddly, I’ve never felt more determined to tackle such a physical challenge before and yet the combined elements of exhaustion and extremely cold weather made it much trickier than any of us were prepared for. All of that aside, ultimately reaching the threshold of the true summit was more emotional and overwhelming than I had thought possible. Kilimanjaro demands a lot from those who traverse her trails. You have no choice but to show up. And we did. There’s nothing more empowering than realizing that we are all capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. #whyihike #liveyouradventure #sponsored

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Mandy Moore (@mandymooremm),


Amanda Leigh "Mandy" Moore sa preslávila už ako tínedžerka, keď na trh uviedla popové albumy So Real (1999), I Wanna Be With You (2000), Mandy Moore (2001) a Coverage (2003). Ďalšie albumy Wild Hope (2007) a Amanda Leigh (2009) už majú folkový nádych. Účinkovala vo filmoch ako Denník princeznej (2001), Nezabudnuteľná cesta (2002), Sladkých 17 (2002), Honba za slobodou (2004), Hľadá sa superstar (2006), Vydáš sa a basta! (2007), Svadba a iné pohromy (2007), Láska, svadba, manželstvo (2011) či 47 metrov (2017).



On the night of our ascent to the summit, we woke up at 11pm (after a few hours of napping) to enjoy a couple of nervous minutes together with a cup of coffee before it was time to gear up in my our warmest layers and start the nearly 8 hour trek to highest point in Africa- 19,341 ft. In total darkness, we took it pole pole (slow slow) and trudged through rain, sleet and snow, where seemingly everything on our person managed to freeze (water bottles, backpacks, our eyelashes, hair, fingers, toes, etc...) Oddly, I’ve never felt more determined to tackle such a physical challenge before and yet the combined elements of exhaustion and extremely cold weather made it much trickier than any of us were prepared for. All of that aside, ultimately reaching the threshold of the true summit was more emotional and overwhelming than I had thought possible. Kilimanjaro demands a lot from those who traverse her trails. You have no choice but to show up. And we did. There’s nothing more empowering than realizing that we are all capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. #whyihike #liveyouradventure #sponsored

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Mandy Moore (@mandymooremm),


V roku 2007 sa objavila v seriáli Ako som spoznal vašu mamu (2005 - 2014) a o tri roky neskôr v projekte Klinika Grace (2005). V súčasnosti účinkuje v seriáli This Is Us (2016), za ktorý si vlani vyslúžila nomináciu na Zlatý glóbus. Svoj hlas prepožičala Rapunzel v animovanom filme Na vlásku (2010), čo zahŕňalo i naspievanie skladby I See The Light, ktorú nominovali na Oscara v kategórii Najlepšia pôvodná pieseň. V roku 2011 ju magazín People zaradil do rebríčka najkrajších ľudí.

Viac o téme: TuristikaHorolezectvoVýstupKilimandžároMandy Moore
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